Photography … Possibility … Acceptance … Creativity … Reality

I started life as a mere child … no, really, I did.  Sometimes (okay, often) my wife claims that not much has changed in that regard … but she loves me anyway. ☺

Sometimes, though, I think that a child’s curiosity, that lack of fear of trying the unknown, and open-minded acceptance of possibilities can be very helpful to us as photographers. Approaching photography with that mindset can allow us to experiment and not be afraid that “it can’t be done”, because most likely … it CAN be done. Or, we think “they” might not like it, whoever “they” are. The point is we have to put aside those questions of possibility and acceptance and just do it. If it’s really not possible well then at least we tried. If they don’t like it, so what. If I like what I’ve done, then the most important criteria has been met.

Our equipment is getting better and more capable all the time and software advances are giving us the tools to be able to stretch the boundaries of creativity, even distort reality if we want to. But isn’t that what “art” has been through the centuries? Creative people bending reality to their will in paintings, and sculptures, and even drawings on the walls of caves.

Plus the walls of communication are gone so that virtually any photographer anywhere in the world can almost instantly share a new image with anyone who is watching. Not only are these millions of photographers sharing images but they are adding to our pool of knowledge and technique and all of this is literally at our finger tips.

So, let go of those inhibitions, grab your camera, and get out there and be an “artist”.