Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter …… Plop!

I sometimes hear a strange sound as I’m working in my home office: pitter, patter, pitter, patter, pitter, patter … plop.  I stop typing on my computer and look down from the desk to see our little Maltese, Bella, standing there over her favorite toy.  It’s a simple, small piece of red rope from our sailboat with a big knot tied in the middle.  She has an expectant look on her face – a “come play with me” look.
She is all of six-pounds of white, furry, fluff and has more energy than the famous Energizer Bunny.  All tensed up and ready to pounce at the slightest hint that I might be reaching for the toy, she grabs it immediately when I start to bend down to pick it up.  Then, the fun begins.  We’ll play tug-of-war for a few seconds until I either get it away from her or I just let her have it.  If I get the toy, I throw it and the game continues.  If I turn loose, she quickly brings it back to my hand to try and entice me into grabbing and tugging, again.
Sometimes, she’ll stop just a couple of feet from me and, after a few seconds, slowly lower the toy to the floor and drop it, while keeping her mouth just a fraction of an inch away, ready to grab it back if I make my move.  If I slowly inch my hands towards her and then, suddenly, reach for the toy she’ll, sometimes, get so excited that she’ll mistakenly bite my hand instead of the toy, but only for a second until she realizes the toy is getting away.  What fun!  She makes us laugh and smile every day.  🙂
Make sure you take time to laugh and play!

Author: Mike Hendren

Photography is a way for us to express how we view the world around us. It can reveal how we see things - our perception of reality. At times, it provides a creative medium that allows us to alter that reality. Photography also provides a way to capture time and then travel back there whenever you wish. Every time you look at a photo, it can transport you back to that moment, allowing you to relive and remember …

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